Choices... It's All About Choices - Chris Reed presents at Failure Institute Q1 2016

I was asked to speak at the Failure Institute's Q1 Summit on January 29th 2016.  You can click the link above to learn more about the Failure Institute. I embrace failure as a way to learn from mistakes both my own and others. 


This isn't because I am a failure its because they felt I have failed forward with regards to my weightloss. I was excited to do this. I practiced and practiced. I asked my weight loss mentor Travis Sims to join me as he was the catalyst for my weightloss journey. Don't get me wrong there are many people that have helped me on this journey.  What I didn't expect was the emotional impact of doing this talk would have on me. I really had to fight back the tears of joy at one part of my talk, even though Travis had warned me it would happen.  

Shout outs:  Melissa LeFlure (thanks for Fluxing me), Mallorie Parish (thanks for the diet coaching), Sparks fans (for listening each month to my updates), Facebook friends (for encouraging me constantly), and all of the friends who have taken walks with me and met me for a workout.  

Here is the video of my talk.